NO SCHOOL ~ April 17-21, 2025
Lenten Service on Wednesday at 4:30 & 6:30; Soup Suppers 4:30-6:30
St Martin Lutheran Church – Volunteers

Volunteers Needed
We have many people working quietly behind the scenes at St. Martins, both in the church and the school. We couldn’t possibly count all of the things volunteers do for us every day, but we can point out a few: Stuffing bulletins, visiting shut-ins, preparing for communion, changing altar linens, caring for the yard & flowers, decorating inside, painting and repairing, driving students to field trips, singing in the choir, playing the piano or other instruments, serving at funerals, preparing/serving the Community meal, Ushers/greeters, Communion Assistants, Coaching/mentoring students, serving on Boards, Operating Power Point screens during church services, making quilts and sleep mats.
Please contact the church or school office if you are interested in volunteering at St. Martin. There are many ongoing projects and needs for all areas.
You could also complete the Time & Talent Form and someone from St. Martins will contact you.
Email Kathy Sawall, Office Manager/Church Secretary or Teresa Wolf, School Secretary for additional information.
Watch for more information as needed in the church bulletin and monthly newsletter.
Seeking Volunteers for the following boards:
• Board of Evangelism